November 17, 2023— Ending hunger one meal at a time

The struggle to keep up with basic human needs, like securing food and fighting hunger, is something that many people take for granted. Unforeseen circumstances can turn a family’s daily needs into a desperate need for survival.
There are countless reasons why families fall into situations where they can’t feed themselves. Something sudden like natural disasters, war or even personal issues (losing a job or the community loses another grocery store) can place them in great need.
A leading authority on food security, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) helps inform and guide organizations and change lives by providing relief in emergencies and use food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impacts of climate change. According to WFP, they have a presence in over 120 countries and territories. 160 million people received assistance from the program in 2022 and 20 million children received nutritious meals, school snacks, and take-home rations in 2022.
St. Jude League supports several vitally important community-based Claretian food pantry programs that serve meals to families in need. These pantries are often found in “food deserts,” prevalently in low-income and impoverished neighborhoods, where basic supplies are all too readily taken for granted. The wholesome food that those communities’ residents require is unreachable to them without the assistance of the pantry.
Active food pantries and kitchens in the St. Jude League network of supported programs include:
- St. Anthony Mary Claret Parish (Fresno, California)
- San Gabriel Mission Food Pantry (San Gabriel, California)
- Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry (Perth Amboy, New Jersey)
- St. Joseph Parish (Jersey City, New Jersey)
- Our Lady of Guadalupe (Chicago, Illinois)
- Albergue San Oscar Romero Shelter Kitchen (El Paso, Texas | Ciudad Juarez, Mexico)
One such pantry supported by the League, the San Gabriel Mission Food Pantry, is committed to serving their community in need with a ministry of that is working “24/7” to deliver Jesus’ teachings on feeding the hungry. San Gabriel currently serves about 2,000 individuals per month, more than 500 families. Thanks to the donors who keep the shelves full, items available to pantry guests include vegetables, fruits, bread, pasta, milk, eggs, frozen products such as meats, pizza and even produce like berries. Other necessary items found at the pantry include home cleaning supplies, laundry detergents, personal hygiene, baby diapers and baby accessories.

Another pantry constantly in need of support is the Albergue San Oscar Romero Shelter Kitchen. The Shelter, which presently houses more than 100 people, supplies prepared meals at twice a day to all residents. All told, the humble Shelter provided more than 70,000 meals last year, bringing healthy meals back into the lives of the residents. Refugees in the shelter enjoy taking turns preparing some of their native favorite meals at their temporary home, sharing their culture and appreciation of being a part of a community that cares.
These are just a few examples of how impactful the food pantries supported by St. Jude League are to not only local communities but people in need all over, no matter the circumstances.
Thank you for helping us to do everything we can to help those in need. During the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas season, the need will be especially great. Please join us in supporting the work of these community life-lines. We appreciate each and every one-time and monthly gift in all amounts. Provide hope against hunger today!