April 5, 2024— Two years of humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

With nearly 14 million people having fled their homes since February 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the greatest forced migration in Europe since World War II. This figure constitutes as much as one-third of the countries population. Yet two years after the conflict started, 10 million Ukrainians are still unable to return to their homes.
Unlike the vast majority of humanitarian aid provided from the safety of bordering countries, Claretian Missionaries has been serving within Ukraine for those left behind. Since March of 2022, the Claretians has transported over 120 tons of humanitarian aid. Claretian parishes in Poland organized collections of food, chemical products, clothes and shoes. A Claretian parish in Würzburg (Germany) donated a large shipment of handmade winter blankets and jackets to the war refugees. This was primarily made possible by the donations that several Claretian Missionary communities and provinces donated to the Polish and Ukrainian volunteers, for which we are incredibly grateful.
Along with Fr. Provincial Piotr Bęza, five Claretian missionaries have directly assisted in the transit of aid to areas often near the front lines. Francisco Carril Alvarez, the Santiago Province’s Proclade Director, and Fr. Miguel Tombilla, CMF, the Santiago Province’s coordinator for SoMi, has now traveled to Ukraine three times. Sixteen Polish volunteers, including those who toured multiple times, were also present from Wrocław, Łódź, and Warsaw.
While they’ve provided many resources for Ukrainians, traveling there has been dangerous and costly. The present goal is to minimize travel while continuing to provide aid and help war refugees in Ukraine, especially in the Boryslav aid center and to 35 mothers with young children in Poland. In order to accomplish this goal, the Claretians hope to fund and provide family care packages for the women and children at the aid center. In this manner, they can travel less and still assist as they do currently.

Many may wonder, “why should we still help Ukraine?”
Brother Tadeusz Lihs, CMF whose in charge of Aid to Ukraine on behalf of Claretian Province of Poland says “I have with my own eyes seen ruined villages and towns at the frontline areas where families, often with small children, still live. They say they have been without electricity, gas and water for more than a year.”
Their aid station to the Borislav Church, where parcels are distributed to war refugees, has become the only station, not only in this town, but also in the entire area.
From the safety and comfort of our homes, it can be hard to imagine being trapped in your lifelong hometown, living in amongst ruins because of the bombings. A war that does not affect us directly can also become indifferent to us. But when you pause to realize how the lives of families, children are affected, its troubling and heartbreaking. Through St. Jude League, you have the opportunity to become a blessing to others will not only bring blessings to you but will give you hope for them, for yourself, for the world.
Through your support, St. Jude League is able to offer refugee families in Ukraine much-needed humanitarian aid, compassion and hope. Lives are directly impacted by your thoughtful gifts, no matter the amount, through monthly or one-time donations or by undertaking a personal fundraising campaign. Your generosity of spirit and giving has direct impact on the Claretian Missionaries’ activities in Ukraine.
Thank you for updating us on the needs of the people from the Ukraine. Other wars have taken over the focus on news being reported, but the war in Ukarine is still going on. Some people don’t know how important this war is to all the people of the world. When one country falls, another country may not be far behind. Haven’t we learned anything from world history?